
CEB has access to recently refurbished laboratories equipped with the most advanced systems, which are utilised to address a range of applications. These include single-cell imaging and manipulation instrumentation, liquid handling robotics for high throughput cloning and expression of proteins, protein purification workstations, small-to-microscale bioreactors, DNA sequencer, and a state-of-the-art mass spectrometry facility with nanoLC - high resolution accurate mass (HRAM) MS, LC-HRAM MS with ion mobility spectrometry and triple quadrupole LC-MS for targeted metabolomics.


Microbiology and Enzyme Discovery



Thermo Scientific Q Exactive Plus work station

REIMS on the Waters Synapt G2-Si

Colin Potter operating the REIMS on the Waters Synapt G2-Si

Waters Xevo TQ-XS connected to Gas chromatography (GC)

Daniel Chaplin operating the Waters Xevo TQ-XS